Dancing in the dark I’m just another ghostIn this lonely ghost townSearching for what I’ve lostHoping to avoid a meltdown Streets that once contained substanceNow avenues of by-gone memoriesOozing ethereal persistenceNo longer resembling terrestrial reality I drift among the pictures hungUpon the hallway wallsWhere many songs were sungWhen your touch was my cure-all Now it’s…
A Lover’s Fairytale
He was in no hurry. On a beautiful day such as this, every moment was one to cherish. The breeze was rustling through the palms ever so gently as the white willow wisps of clouds painted ghostly shadows on the gently rolling hills. It had been a long time, lifetimes to Paul since he strolled…
It’s Only An Illusion – And You Created It
We are eternal, loving entities on a journey to God-realization
Who Really Runs The World
What if I told you approximately 150 people run this world? How could such a thing be possible? Why would global citizens allow such a thing to happen? Who could possibly believe such a thing? Well, 150 people are running this world. They are the elite members of NGOs. You just don’t know it. Or worse, you have chosen to…
A Human Life In Perspective
There are 700,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe. That’s 700 quintillions. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. The average lifespan of a human is 79 years. To put a lifetime into perspective that is 0.0000005724637681% of the age of the universe. So, in reality, a human lifetime fails to register as even an insignificant speck…
Wonder – The Greatest Human Attribute
The greatest achievements of humanity can be traced back to wonder. How many great historical figures asked themselves…What if I could…why does that happen if I…where does this path lead to…who was the first person to…how can I…you get the point. Wonder or curiosity to humans is like water to a fish. We cannot survive…
Trump Doesn’t Need Death Camps — He Has COVID-19
And just like German citizens who recognized what Hitler was and stood silently by while their country was hijacked, so too are many Americans doing the same in their complacency regarding a lawless president.
Imagine If You Would
Imagine if you would. You were born into a very wealthy family. You have never known a hard day in your life. You learned very well the lessons your father taught you, greed, hate, the love of power. You learned them so well you went to see a movie instead of going to your brother’s…
Democracy The American Illusion
No one is welcome in America anymore. No one wants to come to America anymore. Democracy has become an American illusion under the auspices of President Trump. Americans have watched with rose-colored glasses as Trump has systematically dismantled their cherished democracy. Gone are the days when Americans took to the streets to defend their cherished…
Life Is Love, Love Is Life
Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash During a contemplation last week, I realized how fortunate I’ve been to have been surrounded by love my entire life. I took that for granted for most of my life, not realizing how special it was. During this contemplation, I had several revelations I would like to share. When…
You Are The Music
I’ve played My life has been an orchestra of loveThose I’ve loved are the notes I have playedI sincerely don’t know what I’ve doneTo deserve the chance to conduct this heavenly serenade I‘ve conducted a wonderful symphony of soulsAll the sharps and flats creating a gravitational massAn inimitable universal love that unfoldsA treasure chest of love that…
A Soul On The Wing
A puppet on a celestial string the dance of moonbeamsacross cresting waveslends to daydreamsof hopes I’ve yet to attain footprints in the sandstragglers left behindballads are sung by a heavenly bandurging me to stay aligned waves lapping at my feetI stare into a starlit skythis human form seems obsoleteits existence hard to justify I’m just…
The Greatest Lessons In Life Are Gifts From Our Greatest Challenges
Think of all the experiences in your life that led you to this moment. The joys, the heartaches, the friendships, and the losses. Each one of them is a part of what makes you who you are today. But more importantly, who you will become tomorrow. Did you stop learning to ride a bike when…
It Had To Be You
My shining light When the setting sun slithers silentlyWhen darkness dooms my daylightAnd shadows slither into my soulA satanic stain swallowing my sanity I howl to the heavensImploring, inpouring spiritual salvationHelplessly hoping for her healing heartAnd her tender, tantalizing touch It had to be you, my shining lightLighting my way home to daylightSurround me, secure…
Another Garden Catastrphe Averted
In the middle of the night, the garden came alive with secrets only she could hear. This was not a new experience for Beth. By age three, Beth began to realize she was different. She didn’t think it was particularly unusual, but she was too young to understand her extraordinary talents. By age six, she…
Out Like A Light
Making love in our dreams Laughing, exhausted, and gasping for air, we both collapsed on the couch. Playing all our old albums we danced the night away. Memories came flooding back. Our teen years and college days when we clubbed the nights away. The moment we met. When we said, “I do”. The births of…
Each Beat Of Your Heart
Is my life’s elixir Each beat of your heartis my life’s elixirand your kisses impartan unintended strip search Your laugh lights the waythen you dance the ponya reinvented sexual foreplayso innocent and carefree You’re a treasure with no measuremy pièce de résistancean irresistible treasureyou are my soul assistant The man I am did not existyou…
Grief Is Life’s Spiritual Band-aid
Why do we grieve? Why would a loving God have us suffer so? What is the lesson we are to learn from grief? I know that everyone who has experienced grief has asked these questions. I will try to provide possible solutions to them. We grieve because we have loved deeply. God understands we are…
Of Witches And Warlocks
Train them young “Mom! Is my costume ready yet? Halloween is tomorrow!” shouted nine-year-old Oscar as he entered the door, home from school. He received no answer. Where’s mom? She’s always home after school. He began his search. Not in the kitchen or the basement. Not in the yard. He was beginning to worry. He…