Placed upon a dusty shelf, there to lieHidden behind the mask of ageForgotten in their steel bar cageSchemes of children fade away As we grow older day-to-dayPursuing lofty heights of money and fameWhile losing the pointOf playing the game A child’s love, so simple and pureGod’s greatest gift, a miracle cureA simple point of view…
You’re Perfect World
It could be anytime, anywhereWhen I hold your hand, I disappearInto your world, into your worldInto your perfect world of love Spinning, twirling, whirling byAll the moments of my life flying byUntil I hold your hand and time seems to stand stillIn your perfect world of love So many days, in so many waysI feel…
Where Have All The Great Men Gone
WHERE HAVE ALL THE GREAT MEN GONE My question is a simple one – where have all the great men gone? Throughout recorded history there has been a litany of great men and women who have inspired generations of young adults to chase their dreams and very often succeed in doing so. Anyone astute enough…
Hazy Days
I’m so tired of working like a dogWorrying about all the thingsThat don’t meanA damn thing to me I just want to get awayTake a step back, slip awayYou and I, just fade awayFade away And on these hazy daysI imagine all the lazy waysI can spend in your armsSpellbound by your charms Dancing under…
Wafting, wandering through the houseVapors caressing, swirling aboutSearching for and finding perchWithin my nose, my smile, my smirch She brews a stewWith a sorcerer’s charmBlending a beguiling brisket of beefShe steals my soul, like a culinary thief At times I nod offFor just a little whileTo awaken from savory scentsThat brings a smile Each recipe…
Empty Halls
Seems these days we don’t agree on most anythingEven our hearts seem to be lost in futilityWe have both abandoned what we’ve always dreamedA life together, a love so strong, when did it all go wrong Will you still hear my voice echo through the empty hallsWill my picture still be hanging on the wallWill…
What If Everything You Believe In Is A Lie
What if everything you believe in is a lie? How could this be you ask? How can I have lived a lifetime, no matter how short or long, worked so hard and learned so many of life’s lessons and have someone tell me what I have come to believe is a lie? Well, let’s talk…
The Simple Fool
I find myself orphaned on this deserted islandA returned prodigalMy only inspiration an occasionalSliver of blue I was an appetent victim of your coquetryI drank from your Circe elixirYou are a siren, a piece de resistanceAn arabesque of womanhood All your gracious beautyYour infallible reflectionDisguised so adequatelyA heart of callosity Hollow is my heartI dwell…
A Winter’s Eve
As feathers, the flakes fallBacklit by a crescent moonThey meltOn my tongue As I lie in cold wetnessI am teasedSeized, by the momentHeld captive by its spectacle The singular sound I hearMust be my shallow breathingInvoluntarily I senseI trespass on this stage It’s time to take my leaveAllow my blood to flowBelow the crunching underfootAre…
Priorities For Life
PRIORITIES FOR LIFE The average adult human being lives his/her life with a certain set of priorities. Now, most of these have been inherited, set in stone, and handed down for generations. Go to school, get a job, work hard, fall in love, have a family, believe in God. You get the point. Look around…