A puppet on a celestial string the dance of moonbeams across cresting waveslends to daydreamsof hopes I’ve yet to attain footprints in the sandstragglers left behindballads are sung by a heavenly bandurging me to stay aligned waves lapping at my feetI stare into a starlit skythis human form seems obsoleteits existence hard to justify I’m just…
Category: Soul Searching
You Can Only Be You
That is a good thing As a child, I dreamed I wanted to be Superman, The Flash, Spiderman, Willie Mays, Sandy Koufax, Zeus, Davy Crockett, Tarzan, Zorro, Paul McCartney, and others. It is my firm belief that I was not unusual. There is nothing like a child’s imagination when it comes to creating fantasies. Or…
Come With Me
Sail the cosmic seas Venus ignored the gusting winds that were trying to turn her long dress into a sail. It did not make her descent down the steep, grassy hill to the shoreline any easier. She was consumed by the Siren’s call, “Come with me. Sail the cosmic seas,” which held her in a…
What determines the value of a life? Is it the size of one’s bank account? Or, is it the quality of life one leads that determine this value? Sadly, it seems the former is becoming more of a reality with each passing generation. Let us take a trip back in time when this was not…
It’s Only An Illusion – And You Created It
We are eternal, loving entities on a journey to God-realization
A Human Life In Perspective
There are 700,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe. That’s 700 quintillions. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. The average lifespan of a human is 79 years. To put a lifetime into perspective that is 0.0000005724637681% of the age of the universe. So, in reality, a human lifetime fails to register as even an insignificant speck…
Wonder – The Greatest Human Attribute
The greatest achievements of humanity can be traced back to wonder. How many great historical figures asked themselves…What if I could…why does that happen if I…where does this path lead to…who was the first person to…how can I…you get the point. Wonder or curiosity to humans is like water to a fish. We cannot survive…
Imagine If You Would
Imagine if you would…that you are an artist. Yes, a brilliant artist capable of creating masterpieces that would inspire all future generations. The next Divinci. Or perhaps a musician that can compose an opera equal to Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”. Or that your oration skills would even surpass Cicero’s. Imagine if you could pen a…
Look Around You
Look around you. Take a hard look at the things you have surrounded yourself with. How much of it do you actually need? How many are simply tools for your own self-gratification? At what expense to others (not just humans) did it cost? Did you really need that leather coat, alligator shoes, ivory jewelry, or…
What If Everything You Believe In Is A Lie
What if everything you believe in is a lie? How could this be you ask? How can I have lived a lifetime, no matter how short or long, worked so hard and learned so many of life’s lessons and have someone tell me what I have come to believe is a lie? Well, let’s talk…