They go hand in hand
Which comes first? Love or trust? Can you love without first trusting the one you are sharing it with? Can you trust someone without first experiencing love on some level with said person? Or, are they simply the left and right hands of any feel-good human relationship?
The vast majority of humans learn to trust before they have any concept of love. Their parents and family are the ones they depend on for their daily sustenance and comfort. Their reliance on them is the spark that instills trust. Loving parents and siblings shower them with love. We are surrounding them in a cocoon of protection from the harsh reality of once again being in the flesh.
Most of us are conceived from an act of love. We exist because of God’s love for us.
Trust and love go hand in hand. Is it possible to have one without the other? When we truly love we are trusting ourselves to be a vehicle for that love. No matter the consequences. We choose to trust love regardless of the consequences. When we place our trust in someone it will always contain some level of love. Be it a friend, coworker, lover, or lifelong partner.
Can we love someone without trusting them?
Can we trust someone without some level of love for them?
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Which comes first? Love or trust?
I have experienced this from both sides. Placing trust in others eventually led to some level of love for them. And I have experienced a deep, lasting, forever love the moment I met the woman I married and shared my life with. This has led me to more evidence of love bonds from past life experiences.
How can you instantly love someone (that soul connection) without an inkling of trust guiding you? Trusting that inner wisdom?
And then we can play word games. If we combine the two words with a twist we get lust and trove. So is a trove of lust equal to a trusting love? Can mad passionate sex open the doors to a loving, trusting relationship? You be the judge. After all, if you can’t trust yourself can you ever experience self-love?
© 2022 Joe Merkle All rights reserved.
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