He was in no hurry. On a beautiful day such as this, every moment was one to cherish. The breeze was rustling through the palms ever so gently as the white willow wisps of clouds painted ghostly shadows on the gently rolling hills. It had been a long time, lifetimes to Paul since he strolled…
Category: Life
You Can Only Be You
That is a good thing You can only be you. That is a good thing. As a child, I dreamed I wanted to be Superman, The Flash, Spiderman, Willie Mays, Sandy Koufax, Zeus, Davy Crockett, Tarzan, Zorro, Paul McCartney, and others. It is my firm belief that I was not unusual. There is nothing like a…
Dear Nancy
My love A letter to my wife. Dear Nancy, As you well know, I was just 21 when we met. I had no clue what love was. Like everyone else at that age, I thought I did. Upon reflection, nothing could be further from the truth. If someone at that time told me that I was going to…
Make Anticipation An Occupation
Expect the best for yourself Few things in life offer greater gifts than anticipation. Take a moment and reflect upon some life experiences you eagerly anticipated which gave you great joy. Do you recall those late springs as a child when you couldn’t wait for that last day of the school year? Freedom! Freedom to roam the…