Is Just Scratching The Surface Image by Freepik 89.9% of humans cry at birth. Noncrying after birth had 100% sensitivity for nonbreathing infants after birth. Taking this into account it is highly prevalent for humans to cry at birth when we survive it. WHY? Because the physical is extraordinarily harsh compared to any of the…
Tag: divine love
Dear Nancy
My love A letter to my wife. Dear Nancy, As you well know, I was just 21 when we met. I had no clue what love was. Like everyone else at that age, I thought I did. Upon reflection, nothing could be further from the truth. If someone at that time told me that I was going to…
what answers unfold in your haphazard flight if you could speak to me what mysteries might you solve, how many perches must we alight to splash in the Sound and the Light fickle though your flight seems it’s an inquiry of sorts, it learns to be a means to seek a simpler path a way…
Inhale, Slowly, Deeply Feel Your Chest Expand Exhale, Mouth Wide Upon Life’s Windowpane Create New, A Canvas Born From Within Touch, Fingertip, Moist Cold Upon The Glass Begin, Search, For Colors Of Your Soul’s Palette Paint Life, Love, Encompass All Reach, Expand, Your Consciousness
A Human Life In Perspective
There are 700,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe. That’s 700 quintillions. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. The average lifespan of a human is 79 years. To put a lifetime into perspective that is 0.0000005724637681% of the age of the universe. So, in reality, a human lifetime fails to register as even an insignificant speck…
Imagine If You Would
Imagine if you would…that you are an artist. Yes, a brilliant artist capable of creating masterpieces that would inspire all future generations. The next Divinci. Or perhaps a musician that can compose an opera equal to Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”. Or that your oration skills would even surpass Cicero’s. Imagine if you could pen a…